
UPDATE: Sir Graham Brady and the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have also been reported to the Police. One by one the Covid Criminals are being exposed.


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Mar 7·edited Mar 7Liked by Robert Smith PhD

Depraved-heart murder. The Truth is premeditated 1st degree mass murder or accessory to 1st degree mass murder. All the convicting evidence is now there to be seen, and is seen, by numbers of people who have eyes to see. Such that, upon proper presentation, any common man or woman can also see and convict upon. Depraved-heart murder is the plea bargain.

see full definition of Depraved-heart murder here at wickedpedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder or abbreviated below

"In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a "depraved indifference" to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a "depraved indifference" to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with "wanton murder",[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder.

If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as "culpable negligence") and possibly other crimes, such as assault."

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Mar 7Liked by Robert Smith PhD

Good move by Brigden, as it will show how captured the law is in UK ... Mike Yeadon has to go down as one of the bravest guys in history, had everything to lose, yet he has made some bold statements showing what this was so early... I note he's one of the experts on Andrew Brigden's list for testimony with the charge letter for Scotland Yard...

I used to love Rage Against the Machine, and the song you're listening to says it all... Unfortunately, much like Neil Young... Ummmm 😬... Their vocal stance during covid oppression was the very reverse of what I expected... I had a hard time believing they'd demand vaxxed gigs, but they did ... They eventually changed their stance but damage was done... However, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Kid Rock and Pitbull got a new fan, they spoke out risking their careers, but spoke out anyway.

I try not to see who said what anymore lest it ruin my favourite songs...

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Mar 7Liked by Robert Smith PhD


No pussy footing around.

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Mar 7Liked by Robert Smith PhD

RE: "The legendary Dr John Campbell has cheered right up in this video." I can't figure out why. He's one of the unindicted co-conspirators related to his years of cheer-leading the "C19" toxic jabs. :/

Shame on him & others who went along, took the money bribes & used their social media influence unquestioningly to lock folks down, push unnecessary & dangerous masking, & promote deadly jabs.

Ya gotta rage. Ya gotta cry. Ya gotta laugh. Re: Dr Nurse John Campbell's so-called "mistakes" >



If it walks like a shill & talks like a shill... well, then I reckon it is in the dictionary as a shill example. :/

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A little bit harsh I'd say. Billions of people were brainwashed, hypnotised by the constant repetition. The power of hypnosis is incredible. A good hypnotist can easily make someone think they are a chicken and lay an egg live on stage in front of thousands of people. It takes a lot to wake them up so John is just like billions of other awakening wonders.

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Apr 20Liked by Robert Smith PhD

If I knew it was wrong then there’s no excuses. High school grad here. 😀

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No. Campbell's job was to do analysis and question medical practice. As an uneducated carpenter I could see the hoax from the beginning, but Campbell with a philosophy Phd could not see it? or even question the narrative? Philosophy is about critical thinking, right? It took me some time, but I see him now, sadly, as a devious shill.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7Author

The more "education" you get, the more you are brainwashed so I would respectfully disagree. Doctors are very thoroughly trained to follow orders. Thinking for yourself is highly dangerous in that profession. The second you deviate from the orders from NICE you become personally liable, and they will often hound you out of the profession. As a carpenter you are most likely a lot less brainwashed than John and did well seeing through the propaganda early on. I personally fell for it as I was busy getting on with my life and didn't realise I needed to do my research. I trusted the Doctors which may well yet be the death of me!

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Mar 7Liked by Robert Smith PhD

Thanks for the reply Robert, and for all your good work. Yes, institutional education is an indoctrination, and professionals learn not to deviate from a status quo narrative, especially in medicine. Nonetheless, "Viruses are replication deficient and mutate very quickly", don't MDs already know this? I did not put my life on hold to do "research", the hoax was obvious almost from the start, and MDs should have had more common sense. Campbell put out a tremendous amount of questionable content, and was never banned from YT. There are just too many clues now that he is most likely, unfortunately, a paid shill. Best of luck.

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Very good point, it is surprising he is still on youtube, mmmmmmm....

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Francis - Yep. What you say is true re: status quo but, in addition, the vaxx was a new untested experimental mRNA, had no long-term clinical safety trials & was also totally unnecessary. > "VIRUSES do not exist." - Dr Lanka

> December 2020 - Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! - Watch


See also: https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/doctors-around-the-world-issue-dire-warning-do-not-get-the-covid-vaccine/

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Francis - Many experts world-wide were knowledgeable about the scamdemic & the govts' crazy mandates & rules, but they were all banned, censored, shunned. See my lengthy response to Robert above about JCampbell & others ignoring all of those experts' articles, research, advice & knowledge. While many professionals are "good little soldiers" as you say, there are many who aren't at all & should be celebrated for their smarts, independent thinking & objectivity. Since JCampbell was researching C19 incessantly, it does boggle minds that he would have not pointed out medical inconsistencies & lies. Money, status & prestige, though, is a powerful motivator for many to lie. :/

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Paid by whom? This is just paranoid nonsense.

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Robert - Sorry for the delay in responding to you but baldmichael posted a comment to me & when I came here I saw I forgot to respond to this comment.

[Posting some good links below from "experts" so folks can read what was shared online in the early months of the C19 scam. Educated experts all knew.]

Re: John Campbell's possible ignorance & his obvious shilling for a "C19 plandemic" there is little doubt that he most certainly knew what was going on.

Interestingly, the education comparison re: skepticism/brain-dead scholar is not automatically true. In many cases, very well-educated doctors, scientists, lawyers, scholars & others spoke out, wrote brilliant articles, gave lectures/talks, & worked tirelessly to prevent folks falling for the C19 scamdemic/deadly vaxx.

Early on, educated experts were warning/chastising govt officials re: dangers of isolation, masks, the unreliable & useless PCR tests & the dumb "C19 vaxx" & the lack of a real scientific basis/or history for any of these "safety measures".

All anyone really had to do was use an alternative non-google search engine to turn up extensive evidence on the nefarious & manipulative "C19 govt police".

Below are examples of many educated experts' who warned against the scam:

> April of 2020. Rancourt analysed 17 excellent mask research studies. > Masks Don't Work [to prevent respiratory illnesses & influenza] BY Dr Denis Rancourt, PhD [April 2020] https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/masks-dont-work-denis-rancourt-april-2020.pdf

> This early analysis/report was cited & shared by thousands of expert doctors, scientists & medical professionals around the world as previous proof that NO masks work against influenza but govt officials & social media simply refused to engage w/previous accepted masks studies & censored it from view.

> Excerpt: Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, has written an editorial saying that “masks pose serious risks to the healthy.”

Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy

Posted By: Russell Blaylock, MD May 11, 2020


> Great Barrington Declaration - October 4, 2020 -

https://gbdeclaration.org/ - As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

[Unfortunately, these experts were still behind a so-called "vaxx cure" however.]

March 2021 > Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good - Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc - > Masks and Mask Wearing: 111 Facts You Must Know


> This short book contains conclusive proof that face masks do more harm than good, and being forced to wear them is a form of oppression designed to have adverse physical and psychological effects upon the wearer rather than having

any protective value.

> CDC Admits that Covid Pandemic Was the Product of an Inappropriate Test

https://www. theburningplatform. com/ 2021/12/27/ cdc-admits-that-the-covid-pandemic-was-the-product-of-an-inappropriate-test/ (delete spaces)

> Dec 27, 2021 - Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts - Quietly without media attention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has withdrawn the PCR process as a valid test for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2. "After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC

So... many well-educated experts - including doctors & scientists - saw thru the scam, sounded the call & provided extensive evidence against the so-called "safety measures" - in reality, govts' coercive fear tactics. Folks just ignored it.

Unlike so many, I don't implicitly trust all doctors, even though I've had some good doctors who thought for themselves, practiced good alternative medicine & encouraged me to research info they told me for myself too.

In addition, I am a naturally curious individual with decades of my own family experience related to the medical profession's disastrous medical decisions that have injured, maimed & killed many of my family/friends. It's absolutely true that before the so-called C19 plandemic, medical practitioners were the 3rd leading cause of US deaths. They're now the #1 killers w/a deadly vaxx bullet.

Even more deadly vaxx bullet I should say. See "Vaccine Epidemic" book below for background history on the development/promotion of unnecessary vaxx.

Read here directly:



Political identification, skepticism level, knowledge or ignorance of medicine's dangers/perfidy/greed, self-satisfied belief in personal/intellectual superiority research skills & folks' location/geography/religion all figured directly into a still-unfolding "C19 scam/VAXX" tragedy today. Sadly, I agree that In addition to these personal characteristics, there was the incessant MSM brain-washing C19 fear-porn 24/7. Only strong & savvy skeptics may survive this evil C19 plot. :/

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Well said. I say John Campbell knew what he was doing.

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They're in trouble. Latest science shows jabs were not so great from the very beginning: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/science-summary-covid-19-vaccines

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Apr 20Liked by Robert Smith PhD

Well they are getting closer and closer to the truth

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Mar 27Liked by Robert Smith PhD

Hi Robert, Is there any update on 'the meeting' with Old Bill? I haven't seen or heard anything.

Doubtless, just like investigating BoJo's party nights at No 10, they will do everything they can possibly do to pass the ball and do nothing - until they are shamed into finally doing their job.

Brigden for PM!

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I am waiting patiently for some response from our so called "Police" but it might be a long wait. Dr Mike Yeadon has sent in his submission;


MI5 phoned Mark Sexton for more details about these crimes;


Apart from that the silence is deafening...

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Mar 13Liked by Robert Smith PhD

"I hate lies " - bob smith

"When everything the USA public is told is a lie, our job at CIA is complete" - casey, CIA director 1991


So tell us dr. smith, what lies do you find useful and which lies offensive?

Given that we live in a cesspool of lies up to our noses??

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we used to call it the bullshit detector, where you had your gaydar up for lies and/or bullshit,

My approach is to apply physics and philosophy and try to wade through shit, and ignore the tin-foil hat shit and keep the roses and discard the turds;

After about say +25 years of studying the US-GOV you usually learn how to sift the chaff from the wheat, but there is no pill, the only pill is 'time'; Why bother I have done posts on that question, but generally unless your desire is to grovel on your knees all your life for crumbs, its a good thing to learn a little "REAL USA HISTORY", so that you can at least avoid stepping on the land-mines;


These days we live in alice & wonderland, up is down and cats&dogs have switched roles and boys&girls too; We have PUTIN&IRAN leader calling "TRUMP" the biggest bullshitter on Earth, and we have so called "PHD's" in USA lionizing Trump's every trump-turd; Then the same go to expound on how they hate 'lies'

While we were raised to think that Russia&China bad, well unlike Most I spent my entire life traveling, and where-ever I go I learn the language so as to speak to the normal people drink with them and fuck them :)

CASEY is certainly right that "Everything the USA public knows is a lie" is where do you even start when talking to the average USA cuck?

Probably the only education is to travel and see the world, and not from same-same tourist bus or group fucking tour, I'm talking about traveling alone, and actually meeting real people;

When they first opened China&Russia it was impossible to hook up with the real people on entry the assigned you a 'guide' and that guide made sure you only got their story in those days even the money came in two flavors one for the people and another the tourists, and tourists could only shop in tourist shops, aka meet CCP party members; So a lot has changed, now that a solo traveler can go anywhere and meet real people

Once somebody see's the world, and can listen to a few dozens languages you start becoming aware of good people and bad people; Of good countrys and fucked up country's

Today I have to say USA&UK are the most fucked up civilizations on earth, where they live on the streets and sleep in their own shit, and stoned out of their minds by cheap CIA drugs;

So where do we start about the lies?? When all they know is a lie, That we are the worst, except for everybody else, or that we are exceptional or indispensable??

GAZA has shown the world what ZIONISM is all about;

UKRAINE just keep marching on, cuz most dumb fucking USA morons still believe Russia&CHINA are the enemy;

Like the dear mouth foaming bolshevik dykes I used to know would go Pavlovian if I mentioned "PUTIN", they don't have a clue why they respond, and you can't explain it them, and they don't want to know the history; They just hate Russia, because they lost control of it, and the same with USA that they control today, they keep pushing until everybody hates them and they lose power, and then in vengeance they seek to destroy that country they used to rule

Same today in ISRAEL majority of real MENA jews hate zionism, and want NETANYAHU out, so what's he going to do? He will destroy Israel, cuz if the ZIONISTS can't have it then 'nuke it'

Same with UKRAINE, Nuland has said, if UKRAINE can't be the "New Israel", then Nuke-IT;

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Does anyone know how https://sashalatypova.substack.com/ was able to get her hands on highly classified documents that demonstrate the DOD developed the covid vaccines and nominated a few pharma companies to act as front men for distribution?

Given these documents she is publishing represent crimes against humanity ... one would have to assume that they are about as difficult to get your hands on as the JFK and 911 files.

When I asked Sasha called me a homo and suggested I fathered a child with my dog... then she banned me.

Perhaps someone here can assist with an explanation

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Mar 10Liked by Robert Smith PhD

That is very interesting, Fast Eddy. I, too have been wondering that same thing as I have been following her since she first came out with her explosive information about DOD/DARPA/OIA, etc. Far as I know, she has never disclosed that info and IMHO, it is very suspect that she reacted as you describe. I mean, if she has a secret source she doesn't want revealed I get that, but she doesn't need to be nasty to you; just say that! So it definitely begs the question, why is she so defensive about it?? I'm going to be really disappointed if she turns out to be like Malone. Ugh. Such a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive!

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Yes, the first time I ever went to Sasha's site I was taken back of her hatred of Russians, reminds me of Bolshevik witches I used to know, I called her out mildly, and then a few minutes later I was banned on dozens of sites, it turns out that she & her group run 100's of anti-russian bullshit sites on substack, but they cannot tolerate criticism they're just looking for morons who will lick their boots;

On bolsheviks witches you can always spot them just say one good thing about 'putin' and they start foaming at the mouth like PAVLOV's dog they're hard-wired to trigger, not human like, more like MK-ultra fuck-nitz

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Somehow I get the sense that she is not a serious person -- and it would take a very serious person to pump out what goes onto her SS ... someone with lots of time ... skiing and getting trashed on wine are incongruous with who she says she is

Sasha is Fake. People need to stop paying this vile corpse to subscribe to her DOD provided garbage

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Well i have 100's of such documents and I got them from Russian sites, I think all you lost sheep, not unlike the lost sheep tribes of Israel are forgetting, but allow me to remind you,

But first let me say that IMHO sasha is alt-ukraine big-pharma lim-opp hangout bullshit

But here we go, Trump created in 2016 38 brand spanking new bio-weapon labs in Urkaine all working on geno-type specific bio-weapons of varying toxicity,

In 2022 when PUTIN entered UKRAINE his mission #1 was to shutdown those bio-weapon labs, now most of them CIA-DOD, but all like 'arthur-anderson' were on pfizer-contract for developing us-mil weapons, so all the documents found were mostly marked 'pfizer', so I haven't seen the documents that sasha dumped but if they don't source to pfizer I would question the source, they could be mis-direction given her being what she is

Now as to what I saw in these documents was lots of talking about 'evolutionary redirection' where they were working on bio-weapons to either retard or advance human-populations, say make the ukro-nazi really smart and local russians super dumb, not unlike brave-new-world alpha, betas&gammas

( "Directional Evolution" , is what pfizer calls post 2018 research in Ukraine, they also point out that GOF gain-of-function was 1950's research and terminated in 1980's )

In the past one only needed to follow pravda, the main russian outlet of russian news to get links to the documents that russia found, all links are in Russian, while docs are in english, most of the russians sites like RT.COM seem to be more like lim-hangouts, not unlike sputnik, also 'tass' is another good real legimate russian site, a lot of these sites are ran by anti-putin (CIA) groups

So once you find the links to the Bio-Weapon labs docs you download them and start reading them.

Given it was all found in 2022 and now its no longer new, an no Russian doesn't give a fuck about educating western imbeciles, they just wanted to shutdown the bullshit that was targeting their familys in russia

I did a post a few years ago where I summarized the gist of what is mentioned in the pfizer docs

**** My summary on pfizer papers found at the UKRAINE bio-weapon labs by Russia.

Playing GOD: "Directional Evolution" - How Pfizer figured out to use mRNA to forward & reverse human evolution

Just like Brave New World, now we will have gammas, betas, and alphas; Human house-pets that provide sex & domestic, managerial class, and elites who do as they please;


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She is also mentally ill and should seek help

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How is John Campbell legendary, unless you mean a legendary murderer?

He was a HUGE cheerleader for the plandemic encouraging viewers to suicide themselves. He has mass murder blood on his hands. He's a criminal now hiding behind a supposed change in views.

Every murderer has a change in views once they are caught. He needs to meet the hangman ASAP.

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