I will say I know 6 people as of this moment who no longer pay federal income tax, and that is because they went about changing their status. It has become much much easier to accomplish this in the last few years versus when I went about it in 2012. But suffice it to say, it is an obtainable goal today. I will share three videos by which the folks I know have accomplished this. The man to contact has his email contained within the videos. Good luck to all. Most still are not even aware of the commercial law aspect of 'government', and that they are in fact corporations masked as government.
Full disclosure - I do not personally profit from or have any personal ties to anyone associated with this material. Again, I do know others who have had success using these videos and then reaching out to Tom, the coach. It has taken roughly 3-4 months following the steps.
I believe they're meant to be viewed in this order:
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s Global Village all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to sacrificially lay down their lives in defense of Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution and sacred image of “Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
True, and these brainwashed wretches want to remain brainwashed. They are too stupid, or too terrified, to allow any information which contradicts the propaganda from the powers that be to enter their consciousness. I have given up on trying to convince any of them that they are being continually lied to. They would rather die than learn the truth.
Truthbird, the brainwashed masses are watching television which is a mind-control weapon invented not for entertainment, but soley to 'fix your gaze', whereby the watcher is hypnotized in under two minutes.
These same people also listen to the radio, which like television, is entrained with silent sound technology that implants message into the subconscious mind. Messages like 'pay your taxes', 'hate on anyone not wearing a mask', 'buy toilet paper', etcetera ad infinitum. Same goes for the background music in stores like Home Depot.
Uncle Samael. Same goatee and star over his head as the satyr/Pan(drogenous) Baphomet. Satan is sometimes referred to as an uncle as well, probably from Horus and his uncle Set (who has/had a Temple in the US military: Michael Aquino).
Face it, Satan runs this country, the UN (Uncle Nimrod) and the world, clown world new Babylon, through the 7 deadly sins mainly. Novu$ Ordo $eclorum. Ordo Ab Chao.
Thank you Yeshua, and lest we not forget, that same five-pointed star is the interanational symbol for Zionism. Thank you Juri Lina, book: Under the Sign of the Scorpion.
The USA, UK have always been in wars against the world. America has been in more than 200 wars in the past 200 years...hence every focking year we have attacked and killed innocent people? Therefore we all have been criminals for paying tax for the past 200 years.
There is a more effective and modern way to bleed the war machine dry... exit the financial system completely. Some will be more readily able to do so sooner than most, but generally speaking, selling currency to acquire bitcoin is the most sure fire way to Short tyrannical governments. Helping drive merchant adoption is the #1 task at hand. When the majority of society can sidestep using government fake money altogether it will starve the corruption from its essential lifeblood... monetary expansion. There are circular economies using bitcoin popping up all over the world. If you can move to one it's possible now to exit the system. Better yet, Kickstart the bitcoin circular economy in your town and fight effectively. Nothing else will be come close to ending the war machine. Don't be distracted with other mechanisms.. they are ALL fiat based. Fiat currency IS the hinge upon the entire apparatus. Remove its function and it all stops. It's a process.. start now.
I agree with a lot you say but I see Bitcoin as a short term trade, it’s usefulness as a long term store of wealth is yet to be proven.
The CIA invented Bitcoin most likely as a trap. The first stage in getting the public to accept and use cryptos. The next step is the launch of their own CBDCs.
Once these are launched then with the stroke of a pen they can make it illegal, with life imprisonment for it’s use and then it won’t be worth as much.
They also want complete control of the internet and they want you to sign in with your vaccine ID.
This may well be achieved for our own safety of course and if it is then Bitcoin will not be accessible so again, the price will drop a long way.
The final problem is quantum computers coupled with AI will be able to hack absolutely everything quite soon and maybe the CIA already have it.
My advice stick to gold and silver for now, buy land when gold hits 10,000 and if they come for the land emigrate!
BTC is NSA. There’s no quantum computers, it’s a psyop.
The cryptocracy already have complete control of the internet. We are on DARPA-net. It’s a surveillance, track and trace panopticon therefore all privacy on this or any digital platform is an illusion. There’s back doors built into all the architecture.
They take photos of all postal mail. Before the internet they recorded our phone calls and communications using the Echelon Project.
As you correctly pointed out BTC is easily outlawed, crashed, or stolen. Or if left alone, still traceable and used for compliance just like digital CBDCs.
There is no recourse yet to sending bitcoin to a wrong key even if you have it written down correctly it goes into a black hole with no retrieval policies in place . I lost $6K this way so I am dubious about the possibility of scammers taking advantage of this opportunity to steal. Another thing that bothers me is the knowledge required to navigate the heuristics involved and let us assume that technology is actually 300 years more advanced than we are aware if that could literally harvest the lot once people have thought they beat the system by a complete shutdown. The big boys don’t get thieved from . I am assuming that there ACE card won’t be played until they can cancel the block chain somehow.
"War was outlawed in 1928 when we signed and ratified the General Treaty for the Renunciation of War, which is often referred to as the Kellogg Briand Pact. So it is never legal, lawful or legitimate to wage war, or to fund war."
To think that one grumpy old man has destroyed the entire government over a parking ticket has cheered me right up. We are the people and we are revolting.
Surely, you’ve all heard that the simplest things are often the hardest to achieve. It’s actually quite simple to avoid paying taxes: live a simple life, be content with little, and you’ll become uninteresting to the system of exploitation. Quite simple. With one small catch: to achieve this, you must learn to let go of your comforts and your focus on personal advantage.
And there lies the true leverage point for the exploiters. They know all too well that the path back to pre-industrial and pre-digital times is neither appealing nor easy—it’s extraordinarily demanding.
So, here’s my question to you: What are you willing to give up in the name of freedom? And do you know your personal limit—how much you can carry alone before you risk collapsing under the weight of life’s daily demands (not the Matrix’s)?
Excellent post Robert Smith. I have been shouting this mantra from the rooftops and in my comments here on SS. I'm in the USSA (Union of Soviet Socialist America) and I implore everyone to stop paying federal income taxes.
Genocide and the funding thereof is a crime. I am aware that WAR IS A CRIME and therefore funding and maintaining standing armies is also a crime. Thank you so much for posting this well written treatise on the effects of paying taxes to organized criminal enterprise calling itself 'government'. Government is a total scam.
I can’t find much about Julian because I am still banned from twitter and I refuse to sign up for TikTok, if that is the same person. Also I think I will learn a lot lot more before I risk contacting a minister!
Oddly, "murdering the government" (vigilante justice) is a LOSING tactic. Our enemies want us to do that so they can discredit, jail and destroy us. They have totally planned for that. LOVE is the victory. Love your neighbor as yourself, and love God with all your being. Starting locally, things really do improve that way. Also tell the truth. Yes, about petty things in your own life, and ALSO about the things the MSM hides. For the brainwashed thumbsuckers avoiding reality, might be best to ask a question or two without providing a hint about the answers. Or ask them about things they think are going wrong so you can give them a hint or two.
Some very useful comments have come in from fellow substackers;
Dr Margaret Aranda pointed out in the US you have the right to dispose of your government:
Anomalous Farrier commented;
I will say I know 6 people as of this moment who no longer pay federal income tax, and that is because they went about changing their status. It has become much much easier to accomplish this in the last few years versus when I went about it in 2012. But suffice it to say, it is an obtainable goal today. I will share three videos by which the folks I know have accomplished this. The man to contact has his email contained within the videos. Good luck to all. Most still are not even aware of the commercial law aspect of 'government', and that they are in fact corporations masked as government.
Full disclosure - I do not personally profit from or have any personal ties to anyone associated with this material. Again, I do know others who have had success using these videos and then reaching out to Tom, the coach. It has taken roughly 3-4 months following the steps.
I believe they're meant to be viewed in this order:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D46W7nvo0M (1 hr 22min)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKAF-ylPD8o (1 hr 26min)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kxcfvKlSMo (2 hr 15min)
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s Global Village all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to sacrificially lay down their lives in defense of Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution and sacred image of “Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
True, and these brainwashed wretches want to remain brainwashed. They are too stupid, or too terrified, to allow any information which contradicts the propaganda from the powers that be to enter their consciousness. I have given up on trying to convince any of them that they are being continually lied to. They would rather die than learn the truth.
Truthbird, sad to say, the brainwashed wretches are either so dumb, they don't know they're dumb, or they're just too stupid to live.
Truthbird, the brainwashed masses are watching television which is a mind-control weapon invented not for entertainment, but soley to 'fix your gaze', whereby the watcher is hypnotized in under two minutes.
These same people also listen to the radio, which like television, is entrained with silent sound technology that implants message into the subconscious mind. Messages like 'pay your taxes', 'hate on anyone not wearing a mask', 'buy toilet paper', etcetera ad infinitum. Same goes for the background music in stores like Home Depot.
Uncle Samael. Same goatee and star over his head as the satyr/Pan(drogenous) Baphomet. Satan is sometimes referred to as an uncle as well, probably from Horus and his uncle Set (who has/had a Temple in the US military: Michael Aquino).
Face it, Satan runs this country, the UN (Uncle Nimrod) and the world, clown world new Babylon, through the 7 deadly sins mainly. Novu$ Ordo $eclorum. Ordo Ab Chao.
Thank you Yeshua, and lest we not forget, that same five-pointed star is the interanational symbol for Zionism. Thank you Juri Lina, book: Under the Sign of the Scorpion.
John, some of us across the pond are well aware we are all Palestinians now. Thank you for laying it out.
The USA, UK have always been in wars against the world. America has been in more than 200 wars in the past 200 years...hence every focking year we have attacked and killed innocent people? Therefore we all have been criminals for paying tax for the past 200 years.
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All income tax is illegal period . It’s extortion is what it is .
David, I call it gunpoint business. Forcing you to engage in business at gunpoint.
There is a more effective and modern way to bleed the war machine dry... exit the financial system completely. Some will be more readily able to do so sooner than most, but generally speaking, selling currency to acquire bitcoin is the most sure fire way to Short tyrannical governments. Helping drive merchant adoption is the #1 task at hand. When the majority of society can sidestep using government fake money altogether it will starve the corruption from its essential lifeblood... monetary expansion. There are circular economies using bitcoin popping up all over the world. If you can move to one it's possible now to exit the system. Better yet, Kickstart the bitcoin circular economy in your town and fight effectively. Nothing else will be come close to ending the war machine. Don't be distracted with other mechanisms.. they are ALL fiat based. Fiat currency IS the hinge upon the entire apparatus. Remove its function and it all stops. It's a process.. start now.
I agree with a lot you say but I see Bitcoin as a short term trade, it’s usefulness as a long term store of wealth is yet to be proven.
The CIA invented Bitcoin most likely as a trap. The first stage in getting the public to accept and use cryptos. The next step is the launch of their own CBDCs.
Once these are launched then with the stroke of a pen they can make it illegal, with life imprisonment for it’s use and then it won’t be worth as much.
They also want complete control of the internet and they want you to sign in with your vaccine ID.
This may well be achieved for our own safety of course and if it is then Bitcoin will not be accessible so again, the price will drop a long way.
The final problem is quantum computers coupled with AI will be able to hack absolutely everything quite soon and maybe the CIA already have it.
My advice stick to gold and silver for now, buy land when gold hits 10,000 and if they come for the land emigrate!
BTC is NSA. There’s no quantum computers, it’s a psyop.
The cryptocracy already have complete control of the internet. We are on DARPA-net. It’s a surveillance, track and trace panopticon therefore all privacy on this or any digital platform is an illusion. There’s back doors built into all the architecture.
They take photos of all postal mail. Before the internet they recorded our phone calls and communications using the Echelon Project.
As you correctly pointed out BTC is easily outlawed, crashed, or stolen. Or if left alone, still traceable and used for compliance just like digital CBDCs.
There is no recourse yet to sending bitcoin to a wrong key even if you have it written down correctly it goes into a black hole with no retrieval policies in place . I lost $6K this way so I am dubious about the possibility of scammers taking advantage of this opportunity to steal. Another thing that bothers me is the knowledge required to navigate the heuristics involved and let us assume that technology is actually 300 years more advanced than we are aware if that could literally harvest the lot once people have thought they beat the system by a complete shutdown. The big boys don’t get thieved from . I am assuming that there ACE card won’t be played until they can cancel the block chain somehow.
Local currency isn't fiat based. 11 people own 86% of Bitcoin, so it can be manilpulated.
That is insane!
My goodness me! I did not know THIS:
"War was outlawed in 1928 when we signed and ratified the General Treaty for the Renunciation of War, which is often referred to as the Kellogg Briand Pact. So it is never legal, lawful or legitimate to wage war, or to fund war."
I am grateful and gobsmacked simultaneously!
I have just plucked up the courage to publish my latest work "How to Destroy the Matrix" but please handle with care. This topic is highly explosive!
More details here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-destroy-the-matrix
Excellent! Bravo! xx
To think that one grumpy old man has destroyed the entire government over a parking ticket has cheered me right up. We are the people and we are revolting.
Surely, you’ve all heard that the simplest things are often the hardest to achieve. It’s actually quite simple to avoid paying taxes: live a simple life, be content with little, and you’ll become uninteresting to the system of exploitation. Quite simple. With one small catch: to achieve this, you must learn to let go of your comforts and your focus on personal advantage.
And there lies the true leverage point for the exploiters. They know all too well that the path back to pre-industrial and pre-digital times is neither appealing nor easy—it’s extraordinarily demanding.
So, here’s my question to you: What are you willing to give up in the name of freedom? And do you know your personal limit—how much you can carry alone before you risk collapsing under the weight of life’s daily demands (not the Matrix’s)?
The law was for thee not for me if I am not mistaken.
Excellent post Robert Smith. I have been shouting this mantra from the rooftops and in my comments here on SS. I'm in the USSA (Union of Soviet Socialist America) and I implore everyone to stop paying federal income taxes.
Genocide and the funding thereof is a crime. I am aware that WAR IS A CRIME and therefore funding and maintaining standing armies is also a crime. Thank you so much for posting this well written treatise on the effects of paying taxes to organized criminal enterprise calling itself 'government'. Government is a total scam.
Maybe you could approach Julian Farage to get the latest advice without paying a lawyer.
Or try Sarah Sackman
I can’t find much about Julian because I am still banned from twitter and I refuse to sign up for TikTok, if that is the same person. Also I think I will learn a lot lot more before I risk contacting a minister!
Stop sucking Jew Schlong!
Is it time to start murd37ing the gubm*nt and start over or,,,?
Oddly, "murdering the government" (vigilante justice) is a LOSING tactic. Our enemies want us to do that so they can discredit, jail and destroy us. They have totally planned for that. LOVE is the victory. Love your neighbor as yourself, and love God with all your being. Starting locally, things really do improve that way. Also tell the truth. Yes, about petty things in your own life, and ALSO about the things the MSM hides. For the brainwashed thumbsuckers avoiding reality, might be best to ask a question or two without providing a hint about the answers. Or ask them about things they think are going wrong so you can give them a hint or two.
Spot on. They have all the deadly weapons and riots just give them even more power when they pass even more totalitarian laws.
Simple peaceful non compliance and increasing your knowledge is the only path to freedom.
LOVE is the victory.
You said it 🥰
I agree. Non compliance & peace.
You forgot Narco Trafficking, Child Rape and Kiddy Porn, and of course Arms Dealing...