All of what you say here is correct but it's all 4+ years late. As soon as Bill Gates bought shares through the B&MGF in BioNTech for $55 million with the option to double the investment to $110 million on August 30, 2019, it was clear the virus was released deliberately. Who is dumb enough to think Bill Gates would risk $110 million on the CHANCE a virus would LEAK from a lab and Pfizer would choose to partner with BioNTech (out of dozens of choices). What if it never leaked of Pfizer chose another biotech company? He had to have KNOWN it was going to be released deliberately and soon - or already had been...- and that Pfizer was going to partner with BioNTech to do the vaccines.

We already knew at that point it was manipulated in a lab from, among other things, all the strange insertions in the SARS-2 genome that couldn't have come from recombination (no other B lineage beta coronaviruses have genome segment mapping to the polybasic furin cleavage site) , or lightening striking 12 times in a row in exactly the correct places and that a first principles violation proved SARS-2 couldn't have come from natural zoonotic spillover- I proved this on Feb 20, 2020! We knew the FCS contained the reverse compliment of a long sequence patented by Moderna years before. A little later (early 2022), we learned Omicron was phylogenetically distinct from the rest of the SARS-2 variants (they really screwed up there). We shouldn't even be calling Omicron a "variant". For those of us on top of this from the very beginning, the "spillover event" vs. "lab leak" was just a distraction so Fauci and Francis Collins would have something to call a conspiracy theory on TV and throw everyone off the scent of what really was done. Dr. Smith's money is on "a carefully planned worldwide bioweapons attack". Someone tell him he can go ahead and start spending it.

This proof that the virus (or whatever it was) was released deliberately was taken from my new book, "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders", 1200+ pages-strong with contributions from Dr. Mike Yeadon and Spartacus, providing the ultimate TIMELINE correlating the "medical" events with the mind-control aspirations of the perpetrator/organizers (a joint effort of myself and Spartacus), PROOFS of my 16 Firsts and 4 Onlys, and lists of the PERPETRATORS and what they did - even an entire chapter on Emily Oster. I hope you'll pick up a copy from Amazon and read it. It's the ultimate history of "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Haha!)- COVID-2. (Remember, the bioweapon was the "vaccine", not the "virus". It was released as a pretext to sell the vaccines and likely by way of spike protein actions, loosening endothelial junctions, punch holes in the blood-brain barrier so they could get access to the brain non-surgically).

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Thanks, I will start spending my money and thanks for adding some more flesh to my headline piece.

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you are welcome, Sir.

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Thank you Reid.


"For those of us on top of this from the very beginning, the "spillover event" vs. "lab leak" was just a distraction"

(Remember, the bioweapon was the "vaccine", not the "virus".)

(punch holes in the blood-brain barrier so they could get access to the brain non-surgically).

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Speaking of holes, please explain the alarmingly deep nasal tests.

Are there other maladies that require such tests? I’ve never heard of anyone having such a thing. It was downright assaulting.

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If you want to infect people with a cloned virus or any toxin what better way? There is no other rational explanation as a simple saliva test would have given exactly the same results. Do not do it ever again and don't let anyone spray you with "disinfectant". We are the germs they are targeting!

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Sticking that way up into the Pineal Gland which is the only part of the brain that is not protected by the Blood Brain Barrier.

NO excuse. Just barbaric.

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That happened to me with my first Covid Test.  Both nostrils.  Then in January they tested me for flu at my request (negative) and Covid (which I said I didn't have and didn't want because tests are BS).  Still tested. This time it was the Flu test that went deep in and Covid was simple swipe at nostril entrance.  Now that the healthcare bturds did it twice to me, how do I know if I have  been injured and if so, what can I do, if anything?

BTW, never vaxxed.

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I did not know they were performing deep nasal pokes for flu detection.

"There does not appear to be any updated research out there on this with flu tests (unless someone out there has access to updated info?)

From deep C19 pokes there are some warning signs:

Literature regarding SARS-CoV-2 sampling complications is scarce. Breaking of the swab tip has resulted in a foreign body in the nasal cavity,1 the esophagus2 and, after sampling through tracheostomy, the bronchus.3 A case of test-related cerebrospinal fluid leak, probably owing to preexisting encephalocele, has been reported.4


So, these appear to be "injured" symptoms of pokes.

What can you do? Aside from staying away all these hospitals...?

Hopefully others can chime in here.

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It sure was, Ann. I almost punched the nurse who did it to me.

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I have tried multiple search engines and you are scrubbed off.

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Is your book under a different title? Heroes and Villains is the only book I can find on amazon under your name …with excellent reviews btw😎

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make that one more month, Janice. It will be there. thanks!

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No Janice. It's just late getting on Amazon. Please give it another week. Thanks!

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The mRNA gene therapy vaccines are not vaccines but bio-weapons. They must be banned immediately to preserve the human species. https://open.substack.com/pub/hervk102/p/the-marvels-of-the-herv-k102-virus?r=15gtn4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I am honoured a proper expert like yourself has read my amateur sleuthing. Everybody should follow your stack. I have learnt a lot from your work. I cannot recommend it enough.


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I am honoured another actual expert has commented on my amateur drivel, the amazing Jonathan Engler.

Here are his expert comments;

To the extent the excess death curves are real, these were caused by the response.

Whatever “it” was it spread harmlessly for months before the “pandemic response” started.

The NYC story looks fake ( which is not the same as saying nobody died):


There may have been something released in some places to create the “signal” but fundamentally I disagree with your contention that that “killed 7 m people”.

You should be able to glean my reasoning from this article, of which I was lead author:


My reply in my defence was;

Thanks, I am honoured to have an actual expert to check my homework! I am guilty of paraphrasing with the 7 million number. I totally agree that number consists mostly of iatrocide using Midazolam, Morphine, Remdesivir, ventilators and the effects of lockdowns with just a few actual covid deaths. I think their precious gain of function delta virus with the patented furin cleavage site was not as deadly as they hoped so it was released worldwide for months on end. Goes to show there is nothing much to be scared of if you refuse to let their psychological brainwashing scare you. Their best weapon was a dud. Disease X is likely to be the same but I think I will avoid all the bioweapons sorry vaccines, shoving things up my nose, or being sprayed with alleged "disinfectant" just in case...

You can find his brilliant stack here; https://sanityunleashed.substack.com/

He also works with the amazing Professor Fenton and Martin Neil, stack here; https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/

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The following is my takeaway "on a Carefully Planned Worldwide Bioweapons Attack" I originally posted this comment to a substack page discussing "DEFUSE"

DEFUSE does provides additional evidence of highly developed PREEXISTING bioweapon development work to enhance sars-cov via the addition of a furin cleavage site undertaken prior to 2018 by the US bioweapon / bioweapon and pandemic countermeasure "complex".

"The exact furin cleavage site found in SARS-CoV-2 is found in another protein, a protein called alpha-ENaC found in humans and studied heavily at the same university (UNC) as one of the PI’s of DEFUSE. "

UNC - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill home of bioweapon baric and the bioweapon baric gain of function gang.

and then DEFUSE, based on prior knowledge writes its proposal showing that "it" has prior knowledge of the location to place the furin cleavage site to weaponize sars-cov thereby "creating" sars-cov-2. "SARS-CoV-2 has its furin cleavage site at exactly the location proposed in these grants."

It is made obvious by the outworking of events that this US developed furin cleave site and specific technology to insert it was "transfered"/taken/stolen and PRIOR to 2018 delivered to the bioweapon / bioweapon and pandemic countermeasure "complex" of the "chinese" communist party/peoples liberation army - ccp/pla.

From the Abstract of "SARS-CoV-2 and the Secret of the Furin Site" "Here we show genomic fingerprints which are specific of Pangolin-CoVs, Bat-SARS-like (CoVZC45, CoVZXC21), bat RatG13 and human SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses. This, along with phylogenetic analysis, we found that these species have the same evolutionary origin in the bat, including a genetic recombination of S gene between Pangolin-CoV (2017) and RatG13 ancestors." RatG13 "isolated in 2013".

The following from the March 22, 2020 "US" complex "hide in plain sight" limited hangout, zoonotic origin / wet market infection epicenter, mis/dis/mal information, propaganda piece "Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 through recombination and strong purifying selection" They carefully tell some truth, always make mention of zoonotic evolution while never actually saying sars-cov-2 was zoonotic (plausible deniability) and never mention lab origin. (just look at where the authors work)

"We show evidence of strong purifying selection around the receptor binding motif (RBM) in the spike gene and in other genes among bat, pangolin and human coronaviruses, indicating similar strong evolutionary constraints in different host species. We also demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2’s entire RBM was introduced through recombination with coronaviruses from pangolins, possibly a critical step in the evolution of SARS-CoV-2’s ability to infect humans. " "we find significant recombination breakpoints before and after the ACE2 binding site (fig. S2A)," "Specifically, amino acid sequences of the receptor binding motif (RBM) in the C terminal of the S1 subunit are nearly identical to those in two Pan_SL-CoV_GD viruses, with only one amino acid difference (Q498H)—although the RBM region has not been fully sequenced in one of Guangdong pangolin virus (Pan_SL-CoV_GD/P2S)

"Thus, a functional RBM nearly identical to the one in SARS-CoV-2 is naturally present in Pan_SL-CoV_GD viruses. The very distinctive RaTG13 RBM suggests that this virus is unlikely to infect human cells, and that the acquisition of a complete functional RBM (my note; with exceptional human ACE 2 binding ability) by a RaTG13-like CoV through a recombination event with a Pan_SL-CoV_GD-like virus enabled it to use ACE2 for human infection.

note; As this "Research Article" was originally posted to the preprint? server the supplementary data initially contained a spreadsheet, subsequently removed, showing on the vertical, line by line, 3533 individual tissue samples taken from a number of sick pangolins. Virus types found in each tissue sample, averaging close to 10 per sample, were listed horizontally - sars-cov was found in sick pangolin #7 and more in sick pangolin #8, more likely the "guilty party" supplying the human ACE 2 binding affinity enhancement identified in sars-cov-2. I suspect this spreadsheet was removed because someone recognized that it was a "fine exemplar" of chinese bioweapon gain of function research.

"Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 has a unique furin cleavage site insertion (PRRA) not found in any other CoVs in the Sarbecovirus group (24), although similar motifs are also found in MERS and more divergent bat CoVs (25) (Fig. S3). This PRRA motif makes the S1/S2 cleavage in SARS-CoV-2 much more efficiently than in SARS-CoV and may expand its tropism and/or enhance its transmissibility (23)"

Sars-cov backbone and sars-cov components were on the bioweapon lab shelves of the "chinese" communist party/people's liberation army (ccp/pla) bioweapon / bioweapon and pandemic countermeasure "complex" from 2013 - a sars-cov virus with a 50% fatality rate when transfected in aerosolized bat feces, this cov-2 supplied the "backbone" for sars-cov-2, and from 2017 a pangoplin sars-cov spike component with exceptional binding to human ACE 2.

Recombination and Strong Purifying Selection using these and using "US" furin cleavage site technology that was used to put the "2" into sars-cov, created the "pandemic" level of human to human transmission shown in sars-cov-"2".

Then this ccp/pla bioweapon complex did what it would do - develop a countermeasure vaccine and do human testing while continuing to bio weaponize their sars-cov-2, most particularly the spike*, with various bioweapon toxin inserts and virulence inhibited toxin inserts and continue to do countermeasure vaccine testing on humans. *note; Whole spike which was by that time well "noised abroad" as the choice coronavirus antigen for coding countermeasure agent mRNA.

From events we may see that during this ccp/pla bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure development process*, in the March 2018 time frame, a virulence inhibited early sars-cov-2 began to spread across China, Asia Pacific and into areas of Chinese contact in Africa developing widespread immunity to sars-cov-2 in the population of those areas which lasted until the immunity breakthrough and increased virulence changes developed into sars-cov-2 seen in the Delta variant. see The Ethical Skeptic "China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018 https://theethicalskeptic.com/2021/11/15/chinas-ccp-concealed-sars-cov-2-presence-in-china-as-far-back-as-march-2018/

*note; The modus operandi MO of a bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure complex is FIRST DEVELOP THE BIOWEAPON

Then a breakdown of virulence inhibition? or a leak or breakthrough infection? or a DELIBERATE DECISION to release a virulent sars-cov-2 as a stealth bioweapon attack on the west with a "pandemic" in china "GO player" cover story and THE DELIBERATE DECISION made by the ccp/pla to use all means necessary to suppress and stop the spread of covid-19 in China and THE DELIBERATE DECISION made by the ccp/pla to use all means necessary, then, to insure that that initial release sars-cov-2 spread to the world and that certain subsequent variants developed and released in "coincidental" conjunction with ccp/pla vaccine testing in foreign countries also spread, quite possibly, initially via bioweapon encapsulation to produce airborne aerosols particles , South African variant, most virulent Gamma P1 in Brazil, or spread across the world and such as Delta and then the case of Omicron. Omicron with the prion creating spike insert toxin reportedly somehow now removed. The prion creating spike insert toxin present in prior variants and replicated by mRNA in the whole spike "vaccine " antigen.

continued as a reply

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This OMICRON ALLOWED TO SPREAD THROUGH CHINA reportedly doing relatively little damage to the people of China whose immune systems it appears were mostly protected from repeated infections and repeated mRMA injections creating toxic whole spike and doing other damage which made Omicron reportedly much more debilitating and killing in the multiple infection / multiple injection "west".

imo - All Total, fact + fact + fact, shows a ccp/pla 2 front , stealth, "unlimited war", "economic war", bioweapon attack on the west. Front #1) sars-cov-2 + "developed" immune escape variants, front #2) ccp/pla tradecraft + fear-inducing showmanship inducing the west to use ccp/pla slow kill bioweapon spike for its countermeasure mRNA and viral vector produced vaccine antigen. Induced with terrible deaths for the most vulnerable elderly and comorbid, people filmed dropping dead, staged?,on China streets. Where else in the world did we see this happening before "vaccines"? Apartment doors welded shut, massive spraying and fogging of the streets and public spaces and the phenomenal construction of hospitals in weeks which were shortly to be closed down.. Quite the show. Quite the FEAR FEAR FEAR producing show inducing the west to use "their" long planned "countermeasure" Mrna to now generate the ccp/pla bio-engineered toxic "slow kill" "spike" for its "vaccine" antigen. Infection, injection, infection, injection, infection, injection death and debilitation in the west, China largely protected with widespread prior immunity until delta with actual lock downs and conventional vaccines. "chinese" Go players vs complicit "western" checkers players.

The facts that the surveillance state ccp/pla "china" 100% knew what was circulating person to person in wuhan and 100% deliberately worked to conceal this while working to keep travel open from wuhan to the world and while they looted the "west's" stocks of N95 shows ccp/pla intent at best to "never let a good crisis go to waste" if the release was somehow not deliberate, while providing "pandemic explanation" cover with 2 "red herring" (ethical skeptic) trails 1) zoonotic origin with wet market outbreak center, to be supported by the west's complicit US bioweapon / bioweapon countermeasure / military / industrial / pharma complex, with full knowledge as to the origin of sars-cov-2, as a cover for their own complicit gain of function (gain of effect) "contribution" the furin cleavage site, the "2", the pandemic level of human to human transmission, in sars-cov-2 and other technology transferred to and taken by the ccp/pla and used by the ccp/pla for the lab recombination "creation" of sars-cov-2. Effective zoonotic "cover" for 3 years yet still being debunked leading to

"red herring" (ethical skeptic) trail 2) "ACCIDENTAL" lab release. How long for this to be debunked?

.... . evil here evil there - evil won round "covid"

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Short, sharp and to the point Robert, ordered points that highlight the charade of covid (especially the Japanese research on the impossibily sequential "variants") great work. Coey is certainly over the target, we've all had to be like detectives piecing together what "they" did... I think "they" thought it the most cunning plan, compartmentalized players, chosen for their ignorance and compliance, basic psychology derived from the Asch conformity experiment and Milgram authority experiments to ensure compliance from the bit part players to the general population at large, complex biological theories that only a relative few had studied ... The deception has been well planned... To what end?

It was certainly about a needle in every arm, very apparent... That is a key point.

Basic microbiology studies at uni (I never kept on with that part of my degree) kept me away from mRNA tinkering, immediately alarmed when that was put forward as the "only" solution... You want to do what??? OMG... Total sci fi movie we're living through...

Keep up the great work Robert, look forward to your next article, or to see you in the comments section on other articles. A well put together post.

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Thanks Steve I like to keep it short, I have no attention span past paragraph four! Thanks for your help with the link to JJ Couey's testimony. Let us pray we see this story on the front page of the newspaper sometime in the next 10 years!

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It’s more…or less…a bioweapons attack. Covid was about getting the materials in our bodies to hack us and put us on the cloud. The nanotechnology network used was named Corona. See Sabrina Wallace for all the receipts.

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Sabrina makes excellent and detailed presentations on the plans for the hive mind project.

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Any guess whether Tedros's brain has already been linked to AI in WEF's offices?? 🧐

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The video is 18 years old. And I give you mysterious WHO pandemics.

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Robert, I believe there were 2 episodes. One was a genuine accidental lab leak, then they followed up with a deliberate release to cover it up. The first one was fairly virulent, the second one less so and was designed as the antidote but it wasn't ready. No real data. I do agree each variant is a deliberate release however.

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Good points regarding the mutation ability of RNA viruses. DNA viruses mutate very slowly, but RNA viruses, of which covid is one, mutate like crazy. So yeah, that the original covid virus appearing all over the world without mutation does seem suspect. It's obvious that they lied to us about EVERYTHING regarding covid!

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I don't believe that the ill health we have witnessed since 2020 has anything to do with either a 'virus' or a 'lab leak' or even a 'bio-weapon' as such.

The coincident roll out of 5G, both geographically and chronologically suggests that the symptoms were and are the result of electro-magnetic radiation overload.


In fact, I was expecting this from 2016 after I began to notice health effects from 4G among my friends, neighbours and finally myself.

I wrote about it and was de-platformed from Twitter, Facebook and Discord even though I was able to prove my theory with multiple studies and declassified documents. I even had an email exchange with UK MHRA which confirmed that the Pfizer C19 vaccine was based upon a computer generated (in silico) genetic code and not a sample from an infected person.


It is very sad to note that electro-magnetic radiation is cumulative and accounts for the terrible symptoms we are witnessing worldwide, known as Long Covid.

I am continuously insulted by people who have not considered the ramifications so please don't waste your time telling me that I am a 'conspiracy theorist' or that I am paranoid. I can back up my claims with a massive archive of material, collated over the recent 8 years.


I will not back down, even though I am sick.... dying actually. My most recent attempt to raise this matter is here:


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Frances….what are your thoughts on the possibility of it being a combination of whatever has been deployed with the simultaneous roll out of 5G and the continued upscaling of telecommunications?

By that, I mean….the Internet of BioNano Things envisions a surveillance state that includes technology within and without our bodies (and our entire world) that monitors and adapts (evolves) things on a cellular level.

It seems logical to me that if the intention of TPTB is to treat us as human capital, also genetically alter not just the human race but all living things according to what they find desirable….then they need infrastructure for what would essentially be a gigantic electrical grid. This is where the toxic EMF plays a role.

I guess my point is…your concerns about 5G are legitimate….but concerns about whatever they may be using your make us “visible” on a cellular level on their grid of control is also of concern. It need not be mutually exclusive.

From where I sit, it seems like we should maybe be re-examining the narrative around the selection of the spike protein and also considering the nature of the ACE 2 inhibitor in our biological makeup.

Is it a coincidence that the supposed spike protein goes to most of our vital organs (the very ones they want to be able to monitor)? Is it a coincidence that repeated boosters results in IGg4 immune response that means that we are being oddly conditioned to have our bodies tolerate this colonizing entity? Not just from the “virus” but also from the “vaccine”? And interesting is it not that the “vaccine” crosses the blood brain barrier? I’m a cancer survivor who underwent chemo…the blood brain barrier is often considered sacred territory for obvious reasons.

What is it they are actually trying to accomplish?

I have read several researchers and can’t rule out the possibility that what we are dealing with both with the virus/vaccine issue, but also with the manipulations/censorship/gaslighting on social media platforms and news cycle capture is that what is underway is the establishment of a digital prison that has as its ultimate goal hacking and evolving human consciousness. I believe in my heart it is both ill advised and evil…an affront to the mystery and beauty of life. But I’m just a single person trying to make sense of the past 4 years and the devastation in my personal life….with intuition being my principle guide. Be well.

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I think the Internet of Bodies and Things is far more simple than we are being told. Every living thing is an aerial simply because it has energy creating an aura field around them. Each individual has a unique signal. There is no need for internal devices, nano-bots or quantum dots. Once the towers are functioning they can triangulate between themselves the precise location of every living thing, whether they have a telecoms device or not.

The atmosphere is now so overloaded with unnatural electro-magnetic fields that birds cannot navigate, whales and whole shoals of fish are beaching themselves. Bees are flying away from their hives, lost until they die of exhaustion. Similarly, all insects are dying off unnoticed around us, further threatening bird life with starvation.

Trees are showing signs of burns on one side, the side which faces the towers. Plants are not growing where they were once plentiful.

People are suffering a huge range of debilitating symptoms from heart attacks, strokes and cancers down to excema, headaches and chronic depression.

All this is because all life depends upon the delicate direct current continuous electro-magnetic frequencies that are produced within us by our bodies. We also depend upon the EMFs from the earth, sun and cosmos.

Since humanity's rulers have been exponentially increasing unnatural PULSED EMFs for telecoms there has been a huge rise in sickness, particularly neurological malfunctions.

Please look at the chart I shared at the foot of my article (first link in my comment above). Electrification has produced illness since the 1880s and there is plenty of evidence to support the fact that our scientists have suppressed this information in the interests of profit for their funders, the energy and communications industries.

For full understanding of how this is damaging all living things please read Arthur Firstenberg's book, The Invisible Rainbow which can be found as a pdf online.

Otherwise please pay close attention to my numerous articles which explain as simply as possible how electro-magnetic radiation is murdering all living things gradually.

I hope this helps.

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Great work, lots of great points. I am of the opinion that we are being attacked from multiple directions. The WEF cannot stop talking about the polycrisis. Obviously they are the ones causing all of them. They need everyone to be terrified and beg for protection (again) so they can deploy their CBDC/Social Credit Score/Digital ID/15 minute city dystopian plan. They also need cover for "The Great Taking". I am therefore of the opinion that all of the above is true. We are being attacked by EMF weapons, biological weapons and psychological weapons all at the same time.

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Polycrisis? Oh that's OK then. We can worry when it becomes a Hexacrisis! That might be a bit unmanageable! 🙄

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I'm a simpleton, but I infer from your comments regarding emf, auras and the 5G fields, a type of microwave frequency mapping? Sort like LIDAR but using micro/nanowave frequencies? Good god, that is food for thought.

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I call it 'the Kill Grid' George.

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I agree with you that electro magnetic fields are largely what life is all about. They seek to manipulate them…and possibly interdimemsionally? Hence the pursuit of collective consciousness and trying to understand the complex systems of living things, including cells….they get that cells communicate electronically….their research on this front is far more advanced than we realize. They seek the holy grail…so to speak. And they understand it is through energy and energy flow. We are all essentially crystalline antennas. And quantum physics, energy and light are all in the mix for understanding (and they pursue controlling) the intersection between those things and our plane of existence.

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I made a post from our conversation Laura! https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-kill-grid

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I don’t think that ultimately they need chips or nano robots to do what they want.

However, I do think they are happy to use the population to experiment in order to learn how to better manipulate the electromagnetic fields for their desired outcomes or crazy visions for a “connected” future. I think they are busy exploring consciousness by doing these experiments to try to better understand the bridge between the physical realm and spiritual realm.

And I do think they are far more advanced in their tinkering than we think.

Bottom line….they need to collect data to feed their precious AI in hopes of helping them to better understand. They figure the more data they can collect on the physical plane the faster AI will see fractals or patterns to unlock the secrets of “life” as we know it….again, with their focus on the connections between the physical/spiritual planes. Just my musings for today.

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I saw that. Caused me to do a quick search relative to some of the telecommunications “experts” playing in my neck of the woods.

I wish I could share with you some of the info I have…..it ties together some of the major players and I suspect they are busy operating ‘under radar’ when it comes to the larger agenda/discussions.

Just looked this up….


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@nestcommander has a very reasonable thinking on the bioweapons aspect


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There is also strong evidence of circulation well before the first reported cases.


"Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy"

There are other examples but that is the only one I had bookmarked.

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yes 👏

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I proposed several hypotheses, gathered information based on observations and came to a few conclusions. One, Covid was a pandemic of the vaccinated. Two, any variants that did exist were related to the vaccines!!! Three, no variant testing was done at my hospital, no such MD orders exist. And four, symptoms could not differentiate variants from each other or the flu.

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I totally agree. Covid was a cold. However if you wreck everyone's immune system with multiple jabs even a cold can kill you. Or if you pump patients full of breath suppressants, remdesivir and then ventilate them not many will survive. This is some next level evil shit we have witnessed. Hell is going to need a massive extension.

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I agree, from what I observed, the shots caused the respiratory complications that spread and all the VAIDS illnesses that followed.

Every time another round of shots occurred, we had a new variant. They always looked the same. The whole thing was such BULL and yet, I was surrounded by people proclaiming, "I have the Delta"! WOW, how could you know? The answer was..., that's what they are telling us....There you go!

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Thank you for this .

Yes . A bioweapon indeed.

Opened up some great well needed discussion.

Keep up the great work!

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